Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Letter From Dad

I was putting away some things in my bedside table today and came across a letter from my dad. I keep some letters and cards from people in the top drawer that I go to when I I need a little pick-me-up, but sometimes I'll just randomly read one. My dad wrote this to me the day we packed up and left for Austin for me to attend UT as a Freshman in August 1998. It's funny, because it is just on the back of some pad of paper he must have gotten from work. It has a calendar down the side from 1996... Casual paper but some serious letter writing...

"Ladybug :)

I love you very very much and am so happy of your successes and bright future. The great adventure begins today! Enjoy, good luck, and have fun!!!!

It can be evasive for most, but you will quickly find the delicate balance that enables tremendous personal joy and growth with high achievement WHILE HAVING INCREDIBLE FUN.

You will love UT and Austin. You have done an excellent job assuring yourself limitless opportunity. The next 5 to 6 years (did he know I was going to be in college 5 years???!!!) of wise investment will yield the great rewards these efforts will enable.

I am a Dad baby, so I will worry. I envision a remarkable future ahead for you. A future where your dreams will be fulfilled, your outstanding potential can be tapped, and where you can make a difference.

Sure, I'll worry. Yes I know you perhaps in some ways even better than you know. I do not need to worry and that I am very grateful.

Although you are and always will be my baby, my ladybug, you are a powerful, fun, and good person and I am so proud!

Seize the future, claim your destiny!!! Think ahead as always, be wise, not just smart.

Great friends, great times, and great memories are so close. You are a great kid, a wonderful young woman.

Baby - will love you always & forever. You fill me with pride and joy and great expectations.

See you Friday. Enjoy Rush. Enjoy your first very own room and place. Enjoy your freedom and independence. Enjoy life, live it.

Love you,
From a proud Dad!"

And now I am in tears....I guess I need to start working on my letter writing to Reese and James right now! I think my favorite line that I never even noticed is "enjoy life, live it". He always enjoyed life, even long car rides that I thought were so boring. I need to stop complaining and start living. I need to enjoy all the things that Reese has to offer, even if it is growling at this point. Just thought I would share since his letter inspired me today!


It's ok to be average! said...

Oh my goodness, now I'M crying. Pregnancy hormones maybe, but that is just such a good letter. Thank you for sharing it!

Sara said...

What a sweet daddy. Thank you for sharing. Do you want to trade- Reese for Caroline?

Ali said...

I was just thinking the other day that I should write Nora letters. Thank you for sharing that letter and inspiring me to start now. What a sweet Daddy. My favorite part is "Seize the future, claim your destiny!"

Reese is so lucky to have this great blog. It's like writing her letters...

Swiss Avenue said...

Oh Lindy, I am now crying at my desk. I am so lucky to have known him and all his quirky ways.
"Oh damn it, there goes my boat!"

Resha said...

No I'm crying too. So neat to actually "see" your dad's words, after getting to hear so many great things about him. I wish I had the honor of meeting him.