Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reverting to babyhood

So we have a baby on our hands and it isn't Baby James. Reese has reverted back to being a baby. Every time we go to a friend's house with a baby, she manages to find and climb into every baby piece of gear. For example, we were over at our friend Alison's house. She just had a sweet baby girl Nora. I think Reese likes trying out Nora's baby carrier and bouncy seat more than she likes the baby!
We were over at our friend's house last weekend and Reese decided to climb into their bouncy chair, sit back, and relax. The funniest part about all of this baby business is we could never get Reese to like her jumperoo or bouncy chair when she was a baby, now we can't keep her out of it!
And she is caught!

1 comment:

Swiss Avenue said...

Those pictures of Reese crack me up. She is hilarious! I love it when she's drunk on brownie!