Thursday, August 20, 2009

1.5 Years Old!!!

Reese turned 18 Months old today or for you non-parents, 1.5 years :) She's hit all her milestones according to the doctor (sigh of relief) and weighs 23 lbs (35th percentile), is 32 inches long (60th percentile), and her head is still big (80th percentile, at least a slight drop from 90th percentile last month!). It was funny because we could barely get her tank top off over her HUGE CRANIUM (to be said in the So I Married An Axe Murderer Scottish accent).

On the way to the doctor, she kept saying "WHOA!" over and over and over. I guess that is the word of the day! She also still loves "uh-oh!" and "ooohhhh". It amazes me how they pick up on the little parts of speech you do not even catch yourself saying.

Here are some shots of our little lady taken today on her year and a half birthday. She was not all smiles for the camera, but I think I still got some good ones. She still has those gorgeous long lashes!!!

Trying to grab the camera out of my hand
Kicking and throwing a ball


Swiss Avenue said...

Did I tell you that Riann said that she would like to have a girl from being around Reese? Reese changed her mind!! Such a special little lady!

Sara said...

I'm so glad to be getting Reese Pendley updates again...:)