Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So far behind

I have gotten so far behind in posting so I am going to do one giant catch-up post. Then I'll be back on track.

Since last I posted, Reese has grown to being a happy, smiley 2.5 month old! We love trying to make her smile and cannot wait for the first giggle! We can tell she is getting there, any day now. She holds her head up really well and even held her own bottle a few nights ago! We thought that was pretty spectacular but it may have been a fluke, we haven't seen it since. She rolls over a lot, pulls on my necklaces, oh, and her new thing is tugging at lady's shirts exposing their cleavage. Grrrreeaaat. Don't you wish there was something you could do so that your child never did or said anything embarrassing to others? I guess this is their way of making it up for all of the years their parents will embarrass them...

Here are some photos of our happy gal!

I'm so big, yet so small all at the same time...
Me and the Godfather
I'm not allowed to wear dresses anymore because I like to expose and scratch my belly

i broke into the pantry and got all the nuts i could fit in my cheeks!
It's hard work having tummy time
Oh Logan, you are SOO funny!

my milk coma in my preppy outfit. notice my collar is up and everything.
first photo of me, mommy, and daddy with me in it (i was cut out of the photo last time from Nana's superior photo skills!)
me and nana on her new couch! watch out, i like to spit up on new things...
meeting jack for the first time. we warmed up to each other later...
Just call me Reese Peanut Butter Cup!!!

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