Sunday, November 25, 2007

Belly Pics

After getting harassed by all of my friends that live far away and want to see pictures of my pregnant belly, here are a few pictures from this week. I am 25 weeks along now - on the downhill slope! I am sorry to disappoint all of my far away friends. I am not a cute pregnant woman and I am not carrying a little "basketball" out front. I would like to think that Reese is growing in my chest, butt, thighs, etc. but I know that just isn't the truth. Looks like I'll be doing the Danksin Triathlon next June to help lose this weight...:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at you... oh so stylish so far along ;) This is the first time I was able to look on your blog, its beautiful Lindy loo ;) Baby Reese is so lucky to have you for a mommy ;) And don't worry about not having the basketball belly- that's classic boy carrying and since little Reese is absent a certain piece of equipment you can expect the classic feminine carry... all over ;) We women can't be kept in a box... even from birth ;)